The blog is dead. Long live the blog!

A few months ago I dusted off this blog which I had not touched since 2011. The reason? I was prompted by an article written by Mike Elgan about how famed podcaster and internet host Leo Laporte was dropping social media all together. No Facebook, no Twitter, not even an Instagram. Leo retreated to the safety and security of his own blogs. A world totally under his control. That got me thinking about my terribly limited use of social media (i.e Google+) and why I even bother using it. My engagement on the once flourishing Google+ had all but dried up. I really only communicate regularly with three or four people on the platform these days. All of this lead me to examine the reasons I still bother to post anything to Google+ and the answers were pretty simple. The primary use? To share photos of our travels and grandpuppy with our family. The others? To read the news and to share and converse about things that I like and that matter to me. Then came the announcement that Goo...